Thursday, January 27, 2011

in this blog you will have the opportunity to learn about 10 endangered animals. This information will also include about their habitats, and nutrition, description and reason for why they are endangered.
                                                                                                                        Thank you 
Why do you think people are killing animals?
What ways we can help the animals?
Why do you thik animals are getting endangered?

Bald eagle

The chief reason of the endangerment of the bald eagle was loss of Bald Eagle habitat and thinning of egg shells. The thinning of egg shells has been sometimes said to be caused due to the use of the pesticide DDT. One another main reason of the decline of the bald eagle population is the poisoning of their prey. The waters of the continent have been polluted due to the vast range of pollutants, contamination of the water ways and therefore the eagle's food source.


Historically, sea turtles were plentiful in our local waters, but many human imposed pressures have resulted in a massive decline in their numbers. Traditionally, sea turtles were a popular food source, and the harvesting of both adult reproductive turtles and turtle eggs was responsible for the local decline in sea turtle numbers.  Taking of adult turtles for meat, shells, jewelry, and other products reduced the number of nesting turtles and decreased the production of eggs.  Without eggs, the successful production of future generations of turtles was halted. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Polar Bear

  Polar bears are found in five nations: Canada, Russia, U.S (Alaska), Denmark and Norway. However, the rough estimate is that there are between 22,000 to 40,000 polar bears living today, of which more than half live in Canada.Polar bears are not really endanger, but scientist are predicting that from the cause of the global warming they are on the line of danger. Polar bears could become extinct if the sea ice changes continue.